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Culture Weekly Review

Weekly Review Aug 2022 New Database Changes, ECFA Membership Updates, and Podcast on Liberty University and Kenneth Copeland

ECFA Membership Changes, MinistryWatch Database Changes, On This Date At MinistryWatch.com

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MinistryWatch 1000 Database Changes.  MinistryWatch now has more than 1,000 ministries in its database. These ministries represent more than $37-billion in total revenue, most of that donor revenue from evangelicals. The following ministries have their profiles updated with the most recent year’s financial data. The Financial Efficiency rating of each ministry is in parenthesis. If this rating represents a change from the previous year, that change is noted: Biblica / International Bible Society (1 Stars, Transparency Grade: A, DCS: Up 90 to 95), Christian Medical & Dental Associations / CMDA (1 Star, Transparency Grade: A, DCS: Down 70 to 65), Community Bible Study, Inc. (4 Stars, Transparency Grade: A, DCS: Down 100 to 95), Covenant College (3 Stars, Transparency Grade: A, DCS: Up 85 to 95), Fellowship Christian School – Roswell, GA (2 Stars, Transparency Grade: A, DCS: Up 85 to 90), Living Stream Ministry (3 Stars, Transparency Grade: D, DCS: Up 50 to 60), Los Angeles Mission (1 Star, Transparency Grade: A, DCS: Down 95 to 90), Messenger International (3 Stars, Transparency Grade: C, DCS: Up 35 to 70), Sky Ranches Inc (2 Stars, Transparency Grade: A, DCS: Down 95 to 90), Springs Rescue Mission (3 Stars, Transparency Grade: A, DCS: Up 95 to 100), St. Matthew’s House (1 Star, Transparency Grade: A, DCS: Up 85 to 90)

On the Podcast:  Liberty University, The United Methodists Continue To Splinter, and A Close Look At Kenneth Copeland.  On today’s program, Liberty University is receiving complaints from veterans who use the school’s online program as part of their GI Bill benefits.  We also have the latest in the slow-moving schism in the United Methodist Church.  Plus, a look at Prosperity Gospel preacher Kenneth Copeland.  He’s in the Ministry Spotlight.  We begin today with something you don’t hear Christian leaders do too much these days, and that’s apologize.  That apology came from Andy Wood.  Wood was named as Rick Warren’s successor at Saddleback Church after Warren retires.  He has apologized for inviting Mark Driscoll to speak at the 2021 Echo Leadership Conference.  You can hear the podcast on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and other podcast apps, or you can simply click here.

ECFA Changes.  The following organizations have had membership status changes in the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.  ADDITIONS:  East Alabama Area Youth for Christ (Auburn, Ala.), Council for Life (Dallas, Tex.), First Baptist Church of the Fields (Carrollton, Tex.), Youth for Christ of Kern County (Bakersfield, Calif.), Long Island Youth for Christ (Huntington Station, N.Y.)  REMOVALS:  None

On This Date At MinistryWatch.com.  ONE YEAR AGO:  Rev. Thomas McKenzie, the rector of a prominent Anglican congregation in Nashville, and his daughter were killed in a car crash Aug. 23, 2021.  He was 50.  Read more here.  TWO YEARS AGO:  Jerry Falwell Jr., the embattled president of Liberty University, resigned from the evangelical Christian university founded by his father.  Days later, the school announced that it had paid Falwell more than $10-million in severance compensation.  Read more here.  EIGHT YEARS AGO:  Mark Driscoll, pastor of Seattle’s Mars Hill Church, will relinquish leadership of the megachurch for at least six weeks while elders investigate charges against him. He announced that decision in late August 2014 in a prepared statement he read before his congregation.  Read more here.

Access to MinistryWatch content is free.  However, we hope you will support our work with your prayers and financial gifts.  To make a donation, click here.

Send Us Your News Tips.  Do you have a story idea for MinistryWatch?  If so, send us an email.  A lot of the stories we do originate from our readers and listeners.  They send us news tips, press releases, emails, questions, and links.  So, if you have a story you’d like us to cover, or a ministry that you think needs a closer look, please email us.  Our email is [email protected].  That will come directly to my desk, and we’ll take it from there.  

Salary Data Now In MinistryWatch Database.  We now have salary information for nearly 6,000 executives from more than half of the ministries in the MinistryWatch 1000 database.  So check out this new addition by clicking on the red button at the top of this page, or click here.  That takes you to our database.  The search engine is right there, and you can type in the name of a ministry you’re interested in and our profile will pop right up – now, with compensation information for the top executives.

75 Red Flags.  MinistryWatch has released a new free booklet, “75 Red Flags To Consider Before Donating For A Christian Ministry.”  To read more, and to download your free, printable copy of the 18-page booklet, click here.

MinistryWatch Video.  A reminder that we have created a short (3.5 minutes) video that explains what we do here at MinistryWatch, and why.  If you’re new to MinistryWatch, I hope you’ll check it out.  To find it, click here.

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Warren Cole Smith

Warren previously served as Vice President of WORLD News Group, publisher of WORLD Magazine, and Vice President of The Colson Center for Christian Worldview. He has more than 30 years of experience as a writer, editor, marketing professional, and entrepreneur. Before launching a career in Christian journalism 25 years ago, Smith spent more than seven years as the Marketing Director at PricewaterhouseCoopers.
