The centers won an injunction against the state attorney general.
Pregnancy resource centers in New York will continue offering abortion pill reversal assistance after they won a preliminary injunction in federal district court last week.
Three defendants who vandalized pregnancy centers in 2022 pleaded guilty in federal court
Three perpetrators of violence against pregnancy resource centers in Florida pleaded guilty to federal offenses on Friday, June 14.
In letter to US Senate, ERLC raises ethical concerns and states opposition to IVF
The chief ethicist for the nation’s largest Protestant denomination wants the federal government to clamp down on in-vitro fertilization, saying it causes harm to children and their mothers.
World Hope International falls, Ron Hutchcraft rises
World Hope International falls, Ron Hutchcraft rises
National pro-life ministry ICU Mobile — which stands for Image Clear Ultrasound — partners with pregnancy resource centers to help them fundraise for a mobile medical unit.
March for Life provides moment for reflection
Editor’s Note: Most Saturdays we will feature this “Editor’s Notebook” column. MinistryWatch President Warren Smith will offer his opinion on stories in the week’s news or, sometimes, offer a behind-the-scenes look at how and why we ...
Last January, March for Life participants gathered for the first time after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, celebrating a long-sought victory even as they shifted their focus to the state level — the ...
The Defeat of Ohio’s Pro-Life Referendum Should Be A Wake Up Call to Return to our Roots
Today the number of Americans who think abortion should be legal in all circumstances has risen to 35 percent.