Historic church in Florida saved, Jenna Ellis ordered to appear before grand jury, Thomas McKenzie killed in car crash, and Jerry Fallwell Jr. resigns from Liberty
ONE YEAR AGO: On August 22, 2023, MinistryWatch reported that one of Miami’s oldest Black churches, St. John Institutional Missionary Baptist Church in Overtown, Florida, had until September 11 to pay back a $1.6-million mortgage taken ...
Last January, March for Life participants gathered for the first time after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, celebrating a long-sought victory even as they shifted their focus to the state level — the ...
Jenna Ellis, the homeschooled evangelical attorney who had positions with several Christian organizations before landing a job with President Trump, must appear before the Georgia grand jury investigating efforts to overturn 2020 election results in ...
Franklin Graham, who has been sharply critical of President Biden’s pullout from Afghanistan, called for a day of prayer for the people of Afghanistan Sunday (Aug. 22).
Jerry Falwell Jr., his rise and fall from grace at Liberty University, and his support of former President Donald Trump constitute the subject of the third season of the C13Originals podcast “Gangster Capitalism,” hosted by ...
Jeremiah Johnson, the self-described prophet who faced backlash from fellow evangelical Christians after publicly apologizing for prophesying former President Donald Trump would be reelected president, is ending Jeremiah Johnson Ministries.
A day of reckoning has come for modern-day “prophets” in the Pentecostal/charismatic movement who falsely foretold a victory for President Trump in 2020. One charismatic leader calls it a “rebuke from the Lord.”