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On This Date at MinistryWatch: Churches leave Acts 29 network, Museum of the Bible returns artifacts

Churches leave Acts 29 network, Museum of the Bible returns artifacts

ONE YEAR AGO: On Jan. 23, 2023, MinistryWatch reported that Coram Deo Church in Washington and Garden City Church in California had withdrawn from the Acts 29 church planting network over theological and cultural issues, along with concerns about financial and organizational transparency. This month, Fort Worth’s CityView church also withdrew. Read more here.

TWO YEARS AGOOn Jan. 26, 2022, MinistryWatch reported that Staccato Powell, the former president of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church’s board of bishops, has been federally charged with fraud and conspiracy connected to allegations of his mishandling the properties of congregations in California and fraudulently gaining millions of dollars for personal use. Read more here

THREE YEARS AGO On February 1, 2021, MinistryWatch reported that the Museum of the Bible would return thousands of artifacts to Syria and Iraq. In December 2023, the Museum of the Bible named a new CEO, Dr. Carlos Campo. Read more here.  

FOUR YEARS AGO:  On Feb. 4, 2020, MinistryWatch reported on concerns about John Ortberg’s leadership of California’s Menlo Church. In July 2020, Ortberg resigned from the church. Later, in October 2021, an investigatory report found no evidence the pastor’s adult child had acted on his confessed attraction to minors. Read more here.  

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