New president of Cru, Stovall Weems settles lawsuit, new opportunity for bible translations, Acton Bowen sentenced
On this date at Ministry Watch: New president of Cru, Stovall Weems settles lawsuit, new opportunity for bible translations, Acton Bowen sentenced
Report features a lucrative honorarium model tempting many U.S. pastors to pay to play
Last month, a whistleblower document disclosing Hillsong Church's financial details highlighted the burgeoning popularity of reciprocal honorarium practices in ministries worldwide.
I’ve lost count as to how many lawsuits there are involving former Celebration Church pastor Stovall Weems. At least three, that I know of, though one of them was settled recently.
Former Celebration Church Pastor Stovall Weems and his wife, Kerri, have settled with First Citizens Bank after a claim stating they defaulted over $700,000 in unpaid debt.
Celebration Church's founders have reopened a defamation lawsuit against the church, trustees, and Lee Wedekind III, a lawyer involved in the original case, calling the "defamatory" report a "widespread public dissemination."
EDITOR’S NOTEBOOK: Celebration Church, Small Is Beautiful, and Wins For Investigative Journalism
A Florida judge has dismissed the defamation lawsuit filed by former Celebration Church pastors Stovall and Kerri Weems on the grounds that the suit concerns an ecclesiastical matter and is therefore outside the court’s jurisdiction.
Former Jacksonville megachurch pastor Stovall Weems hinted at his next step in ministry in a newsletter to supporters published last week.