Could give new options for those with 403-b retirement plans
Nonprofit employees with 403(b) retirement plans would be able to participate in collective investment trusts (CITs), if new federal legislation passes and is signed into law. A CIT is a tax-exempt investment vehicle that is ...
Investment returns at private foundations dropped by 12% last year, a sharp turnaround from the 16.3% gains they realized in 2021.
The largest Giving Day in the nation doesn’t appear to have adopted the same requirements.
Lincoln Community Foundation in Nebraska’s capital is now requiring nonprofits to agree to an anti-discrimination policy in order to participate in its May 24 annual giving event, Give to Lincoln Day.
An alternative called FaithfulGive is an option for Christian ministries
When the Lancaster County Community Foundation announced that nonprofit groups must post their nondiscrimination policies in order to participate in its ExtraGive event, some chose not to participate.