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MINISTRY SPOTLIGHT:Cadence International

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Cadence International began in 1954 as an evangelical missions agency that ministers to members of the United States military and their families through a number of programs and means, such as open-house ministries, on-base coffee houses, youth programs, after-school clubs for children, evangelistic events, and retreat ministries. 

Cadence International has grown to more than 200 full-time staff, working in about 60 locations worldwide and serving all branches of the military.

The ministry has a significant presence in Japan, and has therefore created “Cadence Japan.” It also has projects in Europe and Asia.

Cadence International desires to create a “home away from home” environment where families can feel connected through a welcoming hospitality environment and feel safe to pray, study, worship, connect and minister to one another. Through the ministry’s programs, families can build relationships and community. Especially during holidays, such as Thanksgiving, Cadence provides opportunities for fellowship and a home-type environment for those not able to spend that time with extended family.

Cadence International’s ministry philosophy can be summed up in 1 Thessalonians 2:8: “Because we loved you so much, we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well.”

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The aim of Cadence International is to be an evangelical missions agency dedicated to reaching members of the United States military and their families with the Good News of Jesus Christ and to share lives together.

MinistryWatch Donor Confidence Score: 100 (out of a possible 100) “Give with Confidence”

MinistryWatch Financial Efficiency Rating:  4 Stars (out of a possible 5 Stars)

MinistryWatch Transparency Grade:  A

ECFA Member?  Yes

Revenue in Most Recent Year Available (2022):  $12,602,895

Five-Year Revenue Trend:   Increasing (by about 27%)

Percent of Revenue Cadence International Spends on Fundraising:  5%

Percent Peer Group Spends on Fundraising:  6%

CEO/President:  David Schroeder

President’s Salary and Other Compensation:  $172,124

A complete MinistryWatch profile for Cadence International can be found here.

Find recent MinistryWatch articles mentioning Cadence International  here.

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Rod Pitzer

Rodney Pitzer, Certified Fraud Examiner since 2005, has worked for audit and investigative organizations, including Oregon Department of Justice's Charitable Activities, and being Director of the Oregon Board of Tax Professionals in 1999. In 2011 founded AVOWED.org, ministering to widows, elderly and the disabled, and now scheduled to plant a church in Corpus Christi, Texas.
