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Ministry Spotlight: Pioneers

Organization no longer releases 990s

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This week, Pioneers, based in Orlando, Florida, saw a drop in two of its MinistryWatch ratings.

Its overall efficiency rating dropped from 3 to 2 stars and its Donor Confidence Score dropped from 63 to 48 because the organization has not released a public form 990 since 2021.

According to Guidestar, Pioneers petitioned the IRS to be re-classified as a church and, because of its new status, “is not required to file an annual return with the IRS.”

Founded in 1970, Pioneers is a mission-sending organization that works with unreached people groups. According to its most recent Annual Report, it works in over 108 countries and 56.4% of the religious groups they serve are Muslim. They offer 3 types of mission work: 8-12 week summer trips, a year-long placement with an international team, and long-term placements.

According to Pioneers’ ECFA profile, in 2023, the organization had revenue of $82.3 million, and its expenses totaled $82.7 million. It also has $62.4 million in net assets.

According to its 2023 audited financial statement, Pioneers, Inc. has over 8 organizations it does business through under an umbrella known as “the Organization.”

This includes a retail business known as Latitudes, “which sells crafts purchased from businesses that have been established alongside church planting efforts in foreign countries,” and the Pioneers Foundation, Inc. (“the Foundation”). In the financial report, the Foundation is listed as a “Florida not‐for‐profit corporation created to own certain real property and liquid assets.” The Foundation’s ECFA profile states it is part of the media sector.

Pioneers has 15 board members and the organization’s U.S. Director & President Steve Richardson also sits on the board.

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MinistryWatch Donor Confidence Score: 48 (out of a possible 100) “Give with Caution”

MinistryWatch Financial Efficiency Rating:  2 Stars (out of a possible 5 Stars)

MinistryWatch Transparency Grade:  C

ECFA Member? Yes

Revenue in Most Recent Year Available (2021 Form 990): $91,366,260

Five-Year Revenue Trend: Increasing (by about 44%)

Percent of Revenue Pioneers Spends on Fundraising: 4%

Percent Peer Group Spends on Fundraising: 5%

CEO/President: Steve Richardson

President’s Salary and Other Compensation: Unavailable because the organization doesn’t release 990s.

A complete MinistryWatch profile for Pioneers can be found here.

Find recent MinistryWatch articles mentioning Pioneers here.

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Brittany Smith

Brittany Smith is a freelance writer living in Colorado Springs. She is the co-author of Unplanned Grace: A Compassionate Conversation on Life and Choice.
