MINISTRY SPOTLIGHT: Mighty Oaks Foundation

Former combat veterans started Mighty Oaks Foundation (Mighty Oaks) in 2012 to help returning military combat veterans and first responders deal with trauma through a Christ-centered approach.
The term “foundation” may have different meanings to various people, but Mighty Oaks is not a pass-through organization. It is a hands-on, peer-to-peer resiliency and recovery program that primarily serves United States warriors dealing with challenges related to struggles of daily military life, combat deployments and the symptoms of post-traumatic stress (PTS), such as nightmares, flashbacks, difficulty sleeping and feeling emotionally numb, and potentially those with mild to moderate traumatic brain injury (TBI). All services and retreat centers are offered at no cost to participants, including travel to remote ranches across the United States.
A key inspiration for its work comes from Isaiah 61, in part: “To restore the brokenhearted through Christ, to build leaders, to rise up from the ashes; they will be called Mighty Oaks of Righteousness.”
Mighty Oaks also provides follow-up weekly programs across the U.S. through partnerships with affiliate churches and organizations for veterans, service members, and spouses to support each other, which are run by Mighty Oaks Program Leaders. In addition to monthly recreational activities, attendees discuss resources and support one another during their journeys of recovery.
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Mighty Oaks has also partnered with Family Life (A Cru Ministry) for a Mighty Oaks marriage retreat called “Marriage Advance.”
In addition, Mighty Oaks is advocating for politicians to move forward with legislation to make faith-based programs like Mighty Oaks available to the military community through the DOD and VA.
The aim of Mighty Oaks Foundation is to provide hope and spiritual/psychological freedom to combat veterans and first responders who have experienced trauma. Mighty Oaks works to save lives, restore families and change legacies for eternity through non-clinical, faith-based resiliency and recovery programs.
MinistryWatch Donor Confidence Score: 96 (out of a possible 100) “Give with Confidence”
MinistryWatch Financial Efficiency Rating: 4 Stars (out of a possible 5 Stars)
MinistryWatch Transparency Grade: A
ECFA Member? Yes
Revenue in Most Recent Year Available (2021): $9,035,509
Five-Year Revenue Trend: Significantly Increasing (by about 290%)
Percent of Revenue Mighty Oaks Spends on Fundraising: 11%
Percent Peer Group Spends on Fundraising: 6%
CEO/President: Chad M. Robichaux
President’s Salary and Other Compensation: $237,937
A complete MinistryWatch profile for Mighty Oaks can be found here.
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