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Warriors Set Free Supports Veterans Facing PTSD Triggers, Youth for Christ Board Member Bikes 3,814 Miles for New Chapters, Samaritan’s Purse Deploys Field Hospitals to Mississippi and Haiti, Mercy Chefs and Billy Graham Team Aid Dixie Fire Victims in California

Warriors Set Free, Youth for Christ, Samaritan’s Purse, Mercy Chefs

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Warriors Set Free, a division of Set Free Ministries focused on “equip[ping] Veterans to grow in their faith, heal from their past, and win life’s battles,” is asking veterans who served in Iraq and Afghanistan to reach out to their ministry. Steve Prince, who heads up the ministry, is concerned the events in Afghanistan will trigger PTSD relapses and is looking to point those men and women to Christ by providing community and accountability. Veterans have responded with varied emotions to the U.S. military withdrawal from Afghanistan and the Taliban’s takeover, with some family members asking if their loved one’s sacrifice was in vain. 

Youth for Christ board member Mike Robertson cycled 3,814 miles from coast to coast in 34 days, raising more than $10,000 to launch new chapters of the ministry. He recorded progress from his journey on his Facebook page, meeting with various YFC groups across the country. The discipleship ministry to youth currently has 140 chapters within the U.S. and also operates in more than 100 nations. 

Samaritan’s Purse is responding to multiple disasters by deploying field hospitals—one to Mississippi and the other to Haiti. Team members constructed one field hospital in a parking garage of the University of Mississippi Medical Center to provide care for the record number of COVID-19 hospital patients statewide. The second deployed to southern Haiti to bring critical relief to orthopedic and trauma patients following the deadly 7.2-magnitude earthquake that shook the area earlier this month. Teams are also providing emergency shelters and clean water in some of the hardest-hit areas of Haiti.   

Mercy Chefs deployed teams to Susanville, California last week to provide hot, chef-inspired meals to emergency workers and victims of the massive Dixie Fire—the largest single wildfire in the state’s history. The fire has raged since July 13, destroying more than 1,200 structures, including 670 single residences. On Sunday, the fire had surpassed 720,000 acres and was 37% contained, according to CBS Sacramento. The Billy Graham Rapid Response Team on Friday (Aug. 20) also deployed chaplains to the area to provide emotional and spiritual support to victims and emergency workers. 

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Christina Darnell

Christina Darnell is a freelance writer who has contributed to WORLD, The Charlotte Observer, and other publications.
