FCA Inducts Four New Members into Hall of Champions for 2021
FCA, WorldChristian.com, Billy Graham Rapid Response Team

The Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) is inducting four nominees into its Hall of Champions. The 2021 class includes “FCA partners, servants and sports standouts”—three men and one woman—Gary Williamson, Bob Williams, Chang-won Kim, and Diana Myers. Each inductee has been involved with spreading or supporting the vision of FCA, which is to “see the world transformed by Jesus Christ through the influence of coaches and athletes.” FCA established the Hall of Champions in 1991, now boasting 119 coaches, athletes, board members, and volunteers in its ranks. For more on this year’s class, as well as past inductees, click here.
The Billy Graham Rapid Response Team last week deployed crisis-trained chaplains to Pelham, Alabama, after a recent storm system dumped as much as 13 inches of rain. The resulting floods caused the death of at least four people. The chaplains are providing emotional and spiritual support for victims and emergency workers. More than 100 people had to be rescued from homes and cars as floodwaters swamped hundreds of homes. Samaritan’s Purse also deployed volunteers to clean out flooded homes and clear debris.
WorldChristian.com is the coordinator of the annual 15 Days of Prayer for the Hindu World. The prayer focus, running this year from October 29 through November 14, coincides with the five days of Diwali, known in the Hindu sphere as the festival of light. A 32-page printable prayer guide is available to purchase for $1.50. The nonprofit began its 30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World in 1993, launching the 15 Days of Prayer for the Hindu World in 2017 and 15 Days of Prayer for the Buddhist World in 2019. Former YWAM missionaries started WorldChristian.com to educate believers about their global neighbors so as to better engage them with the gospel.
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