Wall Watchers Statement of Faith
WALL WATCHERS (doing business as MinistryWatch) will be run as a Christian organization dedicated to the furtherance and promotion of the Christian faith. The following statements of faith relate to the beliefs held by WALL WATCHERS:
1. We believe that the Bible, both the Old and New Testaments is inspired by God, inerrant, and that it is of supreme and final authority in faith and life.
2. We believe that there is only one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
a. We acknowledge the Creator – God as our heavenly Father, infinitely perfect, and intimately acquainted with all our ways.
b. We claim Jesus Christ as Lord – the very God who came in human flesh – the object of our worship and the subject of our praise.
c. We recognize the Holy Spirit as the third member of the Godhead, incessantly at work convicting, convincing, comforting; and regenerates with divine life and personally indwells the believer upon his faith in Christ for salvation.
3. We believe in creation, not evolution; that man was created by the direct act of God and in the image of God.
4. We believe that Adam and Eve, in yielding to the temptation of Satan, became fallen creatures.
5. We believe that all men are born in sin. Adam’s fall into sin left humanity without the hope of heaven apart from a new birth, made possible by the Savior’s death and bodily resurrection.
6. We believe in the incarnation, the Virgin Birth, and the Deity of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
7. We believe in the vicarious and substitutional atonement for the sins of mankind by the shedding of Jesus’ blood on the cross.
8. We believe in the resurrection of His body from the tomb, His ascension to Heaven, and that He is now our Advocate before God.
9. We believe in His power to save men from sin.
10. We believe the offer of salvation is God’s love-gift to all. Those who accept it by faith, apart from works, become new creatures in Christ. Salvation is by grace through faith, plus nothing, minus nothing, in the atoning blood of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
11. We believe that anyone who trusts in Christ by faith is a new creation in Him – clothed in His righteousness and fully loved and accepted by God.
12. We believe that God expects our lives to reflect that we belong to Him and that we are pursuing a holy life.
13. We believe that Satan, under the sovereign permission of God, tries to destroy the faith of believers and that drawing near to God is the only way to resist him.
14. We believe that as new creations in Christ we will continue to wrestle with our sin nature. We will, however, continue to grow in grace and become more like Jesus. Ultimate perfection and freedom from sin, however, will only come when we finally stand in the presence of the Lord.
15. We believe that, as believers in Jesus Christ, we are members of His universal church and that the local church is the place God has designed for His people to worship Him, observe the ordinances of baptism and the Lord’s Table, and love other Christians.
16. We believe that, having embraced Jesus Christ by faith, we are to make Him known to non-Christians in our sphere of influence.
17. We anticipate our Lord’s promised return in power and glory.
18. We are convinced that all who have died will be brought back from beyond – believers to everlasting communion with God and unbelievers to everlasting separation from God.
Directors will be expected to sign off on the Statement of Faith once a year.