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Pastor Robert Morris Admits ‘Moral Failure’ Following Molestation Claims

Morris says he once sinned with a ‘young lady’ but never discloses her age; victims says it started when she was 12

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Robert Morris / Video screenshot @Pastor Robert Morris

This article has been updated to reflect Morris’ resignation from Gateway Church.

Megachurch pastor and Trump’s former spiritual advisor, Robert Morris, is responding to claims that 40 years ago, he periodically sexually abused an underage girl when his family visited her parent’s home.

On June 16, the accuser, Cindy Clemishire (54), told WFAA Dallas that Morris sexually abused her on and off for four and a half years in the 1980s.

The allegations were first published on June 14 by Wartburg Watch. Clemishire said the abuse happened between 1982 and 1987. When it reportedly began, Morris was 21 years old.

She was 12.

Morris is the founding pastor of Gateway Church, one of the largest church networks in the country, drawing nearly 100,000 worshipers weekly. Its main campus is in Southlake, Texas, but it has eight other Texas locations and a campus in Jackson Hole, Wyoming.

At the time of the alleged abuse, Morris was married, had a child, and was a pastor at Shady Grove Church (now Gateway Church-Grand Prairie Campus).

In an internal statement released to Gateway staff on June 14, Morris admits he was involved in “inappropriate sexual behavior with a young lady,” though he avoided referencing her age.

“It was kissing and petting and not intercourse, but it was wrong,” Morris said. “In March of 1987, this situation was brought to light, and it was confessed and repented of. I submitted myself to the elders of Shady Grove Church and the young lady’s father. They asked me to step out of ministry and receive counseling and freedom ministry, which I did. Since that time, I have walked in purity and accountability in this area.”

“He didn’t come forward and confess; he was turned in,” Clemishire said in the interview with WFAA. “And when someone’s turned in, what are they sorry for? Are they sorry because they got caught, or truly repentant for what they did?”

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Clemishire told the Christian Post she was “just appalled” at Morris’ reference to the relationship being with a “young lady.”

“I was 12 years old. I was a little girl. A very innocent little girl,” she said.

In 2005, Clemishire attempted to file a civil lawsuit. According to her, Morris’s attorney implied the encounters happened because she was “flirtatious.” In her lawsuit, Clemshire asked for $50,000—enough to pay for the therapy bills she had incurred over the years from his abuse. Morris and his attorney offered to give her $25,000 if she signed a non-disclosure agreement. She refused.

Despite claims from Gateway Church elders and Morris that he took a two-year break from ministry for restoration after discovering his sin, the Christian Post reported on June 17 that Morris—according to his words penned in his own book—resumed his ministry just one month after stepping away.

In his 2011 book Dream to Destiny, Morris described having to step down from ministry during a period when he was struggling with “pride.” His description corresponds to the molestation timeline confirmed by himself, Clemishire, and Gateway Church elders.

In addition to founding Gateway Church, Morris also founded Gateway Publishing, Gateway Music, Pastor Robert Morris Ministries, and the Robert Morris Evangelistic Association. MinistryWatch has reported on his interrelated and lucrative approach to ministry that often lacks transparency. Morris also has a TV program that airs in 190 countries and a radio show that broadcasts in over 6,800 cities.

He is currently chancellor of The King’s University and previously served on the board of directors for Mark Driscoll’s Trinity Church.

Morris also oversaw the Church of the Highlands (COTH) in Birmingham, Alabama, but resigned in the wake of Clemishire’s allegations, according to The Roys Report. COTH has removed his name from its list of overseers.

In a statement obtained by The Roys Report, COTH’s trustees, who are non-staff elders, said they were not aware of “this part of (Morris’) past.”

“After being made aware of the disturbing media reports, Highlands trustees and overseers immediately initiated a due diligence process that included reaching out to Gateway’s elders,” they added. “Before the scheduled follow-up meeting to determine changes in our governance structure, Pastor Morris resigned as an overseer of Church of the Highlands.”

Elders at Gateway Church said Morris was transparent with them about his past, and they believe he has been biblically restored to ministry.

“Since the resolution of this 35-year-old matter, there have been no other moral failures. Pastor Robert has walked in purity, and he has placed accountability measures and people in his life. The matter has been properly disclosed to church leadership,” they said.

Clemishire says she has tried to warn people about Morris for years, but her story has received little traction, and has raised concerns that there might be more victims. She has retained Boz Tchividjian, an attorney known for litigating hundreds of sexual abuse cases.

Tchividjian told WFAA that the statute of limitations for any criminal or civil action pertaining to Clemishire’s case has probably passed, although they are looking into it.

Both Tchividjian and Clemishire expressed hope that her case will force legislators to think about raising or removing the statute of limitations for sexual offenses against minors.

There are currently no pending actions against Morris.

“Today, June 18, the Board of Elders of Gateway Church accepted the resignation of Robert Morris, the senior pastor. In addition, the Board has retained the law firm of Haynes & Boone, LLP, to conduct an independent, thorough, and professional review of the report of past abuse to ensure we have a complete understanding of the events from 1982-1987,” the board said in a statement to The Christian Post.

EDITOR’S NOTE:  Why does MinistryWatch report on sex crimes? These stories are tough to read and sometimes even tougher to report, but we think they are vital to our mission to bring transparency, accountability, and credibility to the evangelical church. To read more about why and how we report these stories, read “Why MinistryWatch Reports On Sex Crimes.” You can find that story here.

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Jessica Eturralde

Jessica Eturralde is a military wife of 18 years and mother of three who serves as a freelance writer, TV host, and filmmaker. Bylines include Yahoo, Huffington Post, OC16TV.
