Peanut’s Closet Ministry Provides Free Essentials to Foster Families and Reunification Efforts
FCA, Deaf Bridge, Mission Aviation Fellowship

Peanut’s Closet, a newly launched closet ministry run by The Church at Riverstone in Madera, California, provides beds, clothes, diapers, formula, and other necessities for free to foster families and families in the reunification process.
Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) is partnering with teams in Indonesia to provide discipleship training to believers in a remote Indonesian church who MAF says are struggling with issues such as substance abuse, physical and sexual abuse, and broken marriages and families. The program was originally launched in 2020, but got shut down because of COVID-19-related travel restrictions. MAF has one star and a “C” transparency grade in the MinistryWatch database, and an 85 donor confidence score.
Fellowship of Christian Athletes helped 16 Ukrainians flee their country during the Russian invasion to reunite with family members (FCA Ukraine staff who had been in the U.S. for a worldwide staff conference). FCA provided shelter, transportation, and more to the refugees, who will likely stay in the U.S. for six months or more.
FCA last month also celebrated over 2 million subscriptions to its YouVersion devotionals, which focus on encouraging coaches and athletes to seek Christ on the field and in their personal lives. FCA has four stars and an “A” transparency grade in the MinistryWatch database, and a 90 donor confidence score.
Mission Eurasia continues to deliver food packages to families fleeing the war in Ukraine, as well as water and other relief supplies. As of last Thursday (March 17), Mission Eurasia President Sergey Rakhuba says the nonprofit’s teams have distributed 9,000 food packages. Mission Eurasia has two stars and an “A” transparency grade on the MinistryWatch database, and a 95 donor confidence score.
Deaf Bridge says it has been sending vans into Ukraine to help deaf people flee who have difficulty hearing air raid sirens and radio messages with evacuation routes. Deaf Bridge says more than 800 deaf refugees have come through its deaf center.
Send Relief and its local Moldova Baptist partner churches are feeding up to 8,750 Ukrainian refugees a day, as well as providing water, shelter, and transportation. Send Relief has a “C” transparency grade on the MinistryWatch database.
Educational Media Foundation announced last week that Todd Woods is the new chief legal officer of the organization. EMF is the parent company of K-LOVE and Air1 radio networks. EMF has two stars and a “C” transparency grade on the MinistryWatch database, and a 90 donor confidence score.
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