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Ministries Making a Difference

Discipling Christians from a Muslim background, church warming center, educating girls in Ethiopia, Bible broadcast in North Korea

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In Kosovo, Horizons International used its Cubs to Lions discipleship course to train 60 Christians from a Muslim background (CMB) in many basics of the Christian faith. Pierre Houssney, son of the curriculum’s author, told Mission Network News that similarities between Islam and Christianity are often a stumbling block for converts, clouding the meaning of key concepts such as sin and grace. The material is specifically designed to present concepts in a way familiar to Muslims while drawing a clear line between Islam and Christianity, according to MNN. Horizons has 4 stars and an “A” transparency grade in the MinistryWatch database, and a donor confidence score of 98.

Christ the Rock Church in Fall River, Massachusetts, is working with city officials to offer its 100-year-old building as a warming center for homeless persons during cold winter months. The church works with other groups and congregations to provide overnight facilities and meals to people in need of shelter, including “blessing bags,” Thanksgiving baskets, and a food pantry. Christ the Rock also conducts Sunday services in both English and Portuguese.

Friends of the Great Commission (FGC) has partnered with Omo’s Morningstar Children to provide quality education and a safe environment for students, especially girls, in the South Omo Zone in Ethiopia, which is known for limiting opportunities for women and children. FGC has 5 stars and an “A” transparency grade in the MinistryWatch database, and a donor confidence score of 96.

Children in Pyongyang, North Korea. (Photo by Thomas Evans on Unsplash)


Voice of the Martyrs is sponsoring a radio broadcast that reads Scripture aloud so listeners inside North Korea can transcribe the Bible. Programs also include testimonies from Christian countrymen who have escaped the closed, tyrannical nation. VOM also supports a project to send physical Bibles and gospel tracts over the border using balloons. VOM does not file a Form 990, and therefore has zero stars, a “C” transparency grade and a donor confidence score of 48 in the MinistryWatch database.

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Christina Darnell

Christina Darnell is a freelance writer who has contributed to WORLD, The Charlotte Observer, and other publications.
