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Avenue of Life Named 2023 United Way Impact 100 Partner for Ending Child Homelessness in Kansas City, Church of the Nazarene in Ecuador Launches Soccer Ministry, Agape Mission Serves Over 1 Million Meals in Bartlesville, Slavic Gospel Association Distributes 16 Million Meals in War-Torn Ukraine, Myrtle Beach Church of Christ Empowers Men in Ministry

Soccer ministry, Food 4 Kids, ending child homelessness, and equipping men to preach the Word.

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In August, Avenue of Life was selected as a 2023 United Way Impact 100 partner organization. Each year, United Way of Greater Kansas City celebrates and provides unrestricted funding to 100 organizations addressing its community’s vital needs. Avenue of Life works to end child homelessness in Kansas City, and offers community services such as food packs, clothing, and hot breakfast on Saturdays. Avenue of Life has five stars and an “A” transparency grade in the MinistryWatch database, and a donor confidence score of 96.

Photo courtesy of Nazareno Sporting Club

In May 2023, the Sierra Centro District of the Church of the Nazarene in Ecuador started the Nazareno Sporting Club as a soccer ministry. The goal is to help “children develop skills and passions in conjunction with Christian formation.” Now, there are 13 “soccer schools” at churches across the district that funnels talented students onto competitive teams.

Agape Mission in Bartlesville, Oklahoma, has served more than 1 million meals through its community on-site meal program since its inception in 2000. It is also providing food for low-income students through 14 local schools through its Food 4 Kids Program, handing out 600 sacks of food a week for children to take home for the weekend.

Since Russia invaded Ukraine 18 months ago, the Slavic Gospel Association (SGA) and its partner churches have distributed 16 million meals and 1,800 tons of aid to victims of the war. One aid distribution center used by several churches in Ukraine was recently bombed, killing four and wounding 15, according to Mission Network News. SGA has two stars and a “C” transparency grade in the MinistryWatch database, and a donor confidence score of 81.

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Steven Guy, a minister/elder at the Myrtle Beach Church of Christ in South Carolina, trains men of all ages in the church to lead and preach Scripture through its Wednesday night Men of God class. Quarterly Sunday night services are led by students in the class. Guy has helped equip men for ministry since 1975, and in 2015, the church started the Myrtle Beach School of Preaching and Biblical Studies. It includes 35 courses, and 14 weeks of two-hour videos.

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Christina Darnell

Christina Darnell is a freelance writer who has contributed to WORLD, The Charlotte Observer, and other publications.
