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Ep. 288: Tim Tebow, Florida Baptists, and “Jesus Calling”

On today’s program, Tim Tebow’s foundation is fighting human trafficking, and the presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church is responding to allegations that he has not done enough to deal with sexual abuse claims. And the Southern Baptists of Florida have released a report explaining how $700-thousand was stolen. The report finds no wrongdoing on the part of the staff, but recommends safeguards that all Christian ministries should pay attention to.

We begin today with news that Sarah Young, the controversial author of the publishing phenomenon “Jesus Calling,” has died at age 77. “Jesus Calling” has sold more than 40 million copies. It’s author diedThursday (Aug. 31) after struggling for years with chronic illness and Lyme Disease. News of the Nashville native’s death, first reported by Christianity Today, came a day after Publisher’s Weekly reported that the author’s health was “rapidly failing.”


 It’s a new month, and we have a new gift for donors. This month, we’ll be sending a copy of my book “Restoring All Things” to you if you make a gift of any size during the month of September. I wrote this book with my friend and former Colson Center colleague John Stonestreet, and I think you’ll find it to be a blessing. It highlights how God is using ministries and individuals to make a positive difference in the world.

Just hit the donate button at the top of the page.

And we’ll be doing another webinar on Sept. 20. How to Find and Read A Form 990. It’s absolutely free, but you do need to sign up.  Watch your in-box for a sign-up link.

The producers for today’s program are Rich Roszel and Jeff McIntosh.  We get database and other technical support from Stephen DuBarry, Rod Pitzer, and Casey Sudduth. Writers who contributed to today’s program include Bob Smietana, Kim Roberts, Steve Rabey, Kathryn Post, Jessica Eturralde, Christina Darnell, and Rod Pitzer.

Until next time, may God bless you.