Vince Bantu Fired by Fuller Seminary
Investigation by Meachum is ongoing.

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After what Fuller Theological Seminary called “a comprehensive and deliberate review of alleged misconduct,” it has fired associate professor Vince Bantu.

Vince Bantu / Video screenshot via Fuller Studio
According to Christianity Today, Bantu’s termination came five months after members of his accountability group reached out to the seminary with claims that Bantu was secretly married to a second wife and had engaged in sexual misconduct.
Pastors Darren Young and Thurman Williams met with Bantu regularly to provide moral support and mutual discipleship. They, along with Pastor Michael Byrd, contacted Fuller to apprise leadership of the allegations.
“Fuller Seminary is committed to thoroughly investigating any allegations of inappropriate conduct,” General Counsel Lance Griffin said in a statement at that time. “We are aware of these allegations and can confirm an internal investigation is underway.”
Fuller hired an outside investigator to conduct the inquiry, but the seminary did not disclose the results.
On Wednesday, October 23, Fuller President David Emmanuel Goatley sent an email to its students announcing Bantu’s termination.
The seminary’s message did not include the exact reasons for Bantu’s termination, but said, “Fuller Seminary has high expectations and standards of conduct for all members of our community, especially for those in positions of authority.”
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Bantu has taught church history and Black theology through Fuller’s online program and at its Houston campus since 2019.
Before teaching at Fuller, Bantu taught at Covenant Seminary in St. Louis, the denominational seminary for the Presbyterian Church in America.
In September, Covenant acknowledged that Bantu engaged in an inappropriate relationship with a student during his tenure there. It said after the student filed a Title IX complaint against Bantu, the seminary confronted him, he confessed to the relationship and resigned from his position in 2018.
According to Covenant, Fuller contacted it about the reason for his departure and they “shared with Fuller Seminary all the details of what had happened in 2018. Our goal was to be as open as possible for the sake of all involved.”
Goatley’s message to Fuller students also said, “Fuller Seminary has significantly enhanced its hiring process and policies since Dr. Bantu’s hiring.”
The accountability group also contacted Meachum School of Haymanot where Bantu serves as president. According to a statement on the school’s website, Bantu has been placed on leave.
“We, the Meachum community, have been disheartened by these allegations, yet we take them seriously. As promised, investigations are under way,” the statement says.
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