Summary: ReFrame Ministries began in 1939 by the Christian Reformed Church Synod as a media ministry originally known as “The Back to God Hour” broadcast out of Chicago, Illinois. It was a radio message by a dedicated “Radio Pastor” with a Reformed Church background. Over the years they created a devotional, first named Family Altar, now called “Today.” The ministry changed its name a few times, also known as “Back to God Ministries International”. But since 2020 it has been known as ReFrame Ministries. The ministry added hundreds of radio stations in the United States and slowly began broadcasting to other countries. It also does broadcasts in the Arab world, Spanish, French, Indonesian, Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, and Hindi.
In 2000, the ministry created a children’s radio program (Kids Corner) and television program (Clubhouse). ReFrame Ministries now does all kinds of media ministry activities that involve not only radio, but the Internet, podcasts, daily emails, smartphone applications, as well as printed discipleship and devotional materials. The teaching material stays true to the theological foundation of the Christian Reformed Church in North America (CRCNA). It also provides resources for church leaders to engage their congregations and communities through church websites, social media, branding and marketing.
The ministry continues to expand its topics and media reach to families, dating, marriage, parenting, and to therapists and pastors. In addition, ReFrame Ministries has a coordinated team of more than 8,400 prayer volunteers who pray for individuals who request prayer through each of its various media platforms. The aim of ReFrame Ministries is to proclaim that Jesus Christ is Lord, help followers of Jesus grow in their faith, and to strengthen the church.
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MinistryWatch Donor Confidence Score: 63 (out of a possible 100)
MinistryWatch Financial Efficiency Rating: 1 Star (out of a possible 5 Stars)
MinistryWatch Transparency Grade: C
ECFA Member? Yes
Revenue in Most Recent Year Available (2021): $10,159,320
Five-Year Revenue Trend: Increasing (by about 23% change)
Percent of Revenue ReFrame Ministries Spends on Fundraising: 18%
Percent Peer Group Spends on Fundraising: 7%
CEO/President: Kurt Selles
President’s Salary and Other Compensation: The ministry does not provide salary and compensation details.
A complete MinistryWatch profile for ReFrame Ministries can be found here.
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