Ministry Spotlight: Childcare Worldwide
Organization has high asset utilization rating, low fund acquisition rating
Childcare Worldwide’s Donor Confidence Score recently dropped from a 90 to an 85, still ranking it in the “Give with Confidence” designation. It also now has a 1-star efficiency rating.
The organization, founded in 1981, is based in Lynden, Wash. It is a sponsorship organization that supports children in Africa, Asia, and South America.
According to its website: “Our generous sponsors partner with us to fulfill the Great Commission by connecting unchurched children in need to Life Centers in their communities, led by in-country teachers and church workers, who lead Bible lessons, teach worship songs, play Scripture memory games, and share the hope of the gospel.”
Life Centers are community centers that provide medical care, education, food and clean water, and school supplies.
The organization ranks 88th out of 92 for Fund Acquisition within the Relief and Development sector and has a 1-star rating. In 2020, 12% of Childcare Worldwide’s expenses were spent on fundraising, and in 2023 the amount jumped to 20%. The sector median is 6%.
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Childcare Worldwide’s Resource Allocation ranking is also 1-star. In order to have a high score in the Resource Allocation Rating category, MinistryWatch requires organizations to have 80-85% of its funding go towards programming. Currently, Childcare Worldwide only spends about 70% of its expenses on programming.
In 2023, the organization’s total revenue was $3.3 million and its total expenses were $4 million. It also has $1.1 million in net assets.
MinistryWatch Donor Confidence Score: 85 (out of a possible 100) “Give With Confidence”
MinistryWatch Financial Efficiency Rating: 1 Star (out of a possible 5 Stars)
MinistryWatch Transparency Grade: A
ECFA Member? Yes
Revenue in Most Recent Year Available: $3,382,340
Five-Year Revenue Trend: Decreasing (by about 18%)
Percent of Revenue Global Christian Relief Spends on Fundraising: 20%
Percent Peer Group Spends on Fundraising: 6%
CEO/President: Bill Nienhuis
President’s Salary and Other Compensation: $119,842
A complete MinistryWatch profile for Childcare Worldwide can be found here.
Find recent MinistryWatch articles mentioning Childcare Worldwide here.
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