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Ep. 366: Anglicanism Can Save Evangelicalism – But Must First Save Itself

Provincial meeting in Latrobe, Pa., next week will be defining moment

The Anglican Church in North America (ACNA) has been one of the success stories in recent American church history. Most denominations in the U.S. are in decline, but ACNA, founded just 15 years ago, has grown to more than 1000 congregations and a membership of 120,000. In today’s commentary, I share my thoughts about what’s needed to keep ACNA on an upward trajectory.

In today’s podcast, I promise a few links. Here they are:

As I have written elsewhere, Anglicanism has the potential to breathe new life into the evangelical movement.

“The Augustine Appeal,” asserts that the “ordination of women to the priesthood is a ‘recent innovation’…and we affirm the theological conclusion that the practice has ‘insufficient scriptural warrant.’”

Heath McClure is the “assisting priest” at a congregation called Luminous Church. McClure became suddenly famous last weekend when former Jars of Clay lead singer Dan Haseltine posted a photo of the two of them (and others) at a pro-LGBTQ Pride event in the affluent Nashville suburb of Franklin. Luminous calls itself a “hospitable and inclusive community.” McClure wears a rainbow-colored T-shirt saying, “A Pastor With Pride.”

Anne Kennedy, a conservative commentator and Anglican church member, wrote a scathing commentary that went semi-viral in the Anglican world. Kennedy took a close look at the website of Luminous Church and found much that troubled her and many Anglicans.