On This Date at MinistryWatch Adoption agency resumes services, RZIM, Russell Moore resigns, and Promise Keepers


ONE YEAR AGO: On May 25, 2023, MinistryWatch reported that Syracuse-based Christian adoption agency New Hope Family Services entered into a favorable settlement agreement with the state of New York and could continue offering adoption services to children and families. Read more here.

TWO YEARS AGO: On May 24, 2022, MinistryWatch reported that a Georgia federal district court allowed donors to late evangelist Ravi Zacharias’s ministry to pursue a lawsuit to recover their money on the grounds of misuse of funds but not on faith-based allegations. Read more here.

THREE YEARS AGO:  On May 24, 2021, MinistryWatch reported that Russell Moore announced his resignation as president of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission. The ERLC is the Southern Baptist Convention’s public policy arm. Read more here.

FOUR YEARS AGO: On May 27, 2020, MinistryWatch reported that Promise Keepers would cancel its live event and move to a virtual-only event. In June 2023, Belmont University canceled a Promise Keepers event due to its statement about Pride Month. Read more here.

16 YEARS AGO:  In May 2008, a group of 20 conservative and Christian activists sent a letter to the Senate Finance Committee expressing concern over Sen. Charles Grassley’s investigation of six televangelists. The letter says Grassley ignored normal processes and targeted organizations that “share the same branch of evangelicalism and . . . promote socially conservative public policy positions.” Read more here.  

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