Moody Radio, AFR, and Others Drop Ravi Zacharias From Programming


Moody Radio, one of the largest Christian radio networks in the U.S., is among several radio organizations dropping Ravi Zacharias broadcasts from its lineup after Ravi Zacharias International Ministries (RZIM) confirmed many of the allegations of “sexual misconduct” made against the late apologist. Moody Radio made the announcement Christmas weekend (Dec. 26) with the cancellations effective immediately.

“We are deeply saddened after reading the preliminary report provided to us by Ravi Zacharias International Ministries (RZIM),” said Doug Hastings, vice president of Moody Radio. “The picture that is becoming clear about Ravi Zacharias through the work of an independent investigator is very much inconsistent with his public ministry.” 

The preliminary report was released by Miller & Martin, a firm hired to investigate allegations of sexual harassment and abuse made by former employees at two Atlanta-area day spas that Zacharias co-owned and frequented. RZIM shared it alongside a statement confirming that while the investigation was ongoing, the preliminary report “indicates this assessment of Ravi’s behavior to be true—that he did indeed engage in sexual misconduct.”

“Moody Radio prayerfully considers who we partner with, and as a ministry founded upon the Word of God, we firmly believe that those in positions of leadership and teaching Scripture must be above approach,” Hastings said.

Moody is replacing RZIM’s weekly Let My People Think broadcast with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth’s Revive Our Hearts Weekend, and RZIM’s daily Just Thinking broadcast with Paul Cannings’ Power Walk. The change started Mon. (Dec. 28). 

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Several other stations and networks also dropped Zacharias following the report. American Family Radio, a Christian radio network with more than 180 stations, confirmed with MinistryWatch that it dropped Zacharias’ Let My People Think broadcast from its Sunday evening lineup beginning last weekend after airing it for almost 20 years. 

WIHS Christian Radio in Connecticut also confirmed with MinistryWatch that it is cancelling all programs from RZIM.  

Bible Broadcasting Network in Charlotte dropped Zacharias in October when the day spa allegations against him first surfaced

“In the past, after hearing of similar allegations, BBN concluded we would give Ravi the benefit of the doubt based on our longstanding relationship,” said Jason Padgett, BBN’s business and operations manager. “At the time, however, we expressed to the leadership of RZIM that future questions of this nature would require us to discontinue our broadcast of Let My People Think. We have notified RZIM of this decision, effective immediately. We will continue to pray for the ministry of RZIM.”