MINISTRY SPOTLIGHT: Kids for the Kingdom


Kids for the Kingdom began in 1998 to provide help and train people around the world to improve the physical and spiritual lives of disadvantaged children and their families within their local communities.

The ministry has made significant commitments and ministry work in the following countries:  China, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Germany, Ghana, Guatemala, India, Kenya, Malawi, Nepal, Nicaragua, Russia, South Sudan, Sri Lanka, and Zambia.

Some practical help they provide include food, building wells for clean water, medicines, medical services, clothing, blankets, education, schools, Bible training, vocational-training, micro-enterprise loans, and spreading the Gospel.

In addition, Kids for the Kingdom is prepared, organized and ready to assist survivors during times of regional crisis or natural disaster. Disaster teams provide food, necessary supplies, water, clothing, and the Gospel. Afterwards, they work to rebuild homes and family businesses.

The aim of Kids for the Kingdom is to transform the living conditions and spiritual lives of children and families, especially in third world and war-torn countries, so that they can transform their nations for Christ.

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MinistryWatch Donor Confidence Score: 92 (out of a possible 100) “Give with Confidence”

MinistryWatch Financial Efficiency Rating:  1 Star (out of a possible 5 Stars)

MinistryWatch Transparency Grade:  A

ECFA Member?  Yes

Revenue in Most Recent Year Available (2022):  $2,770,819

Five-Year Revenue Trend:   Decreasing (by about 85%)

Percent of Revenue Kids for the Kingdom Spends on Fundraising:  Near 0%

Percent Peer Group Spends on Fundraising:  6%

CEO/President:  Tim Dabel

President’s Salary and Other Compensation: $277,165

A complete MinistryWatch profile for Kids for the Kingdom can be found here.

Find recent MinistryWatch articles mentioning Kids for the Kingdom here.