
The IF:Gathering began in 2014 as one event to inspire women to tell others about the Lord. It has grown to become a movement to teach and equip women with Gospel-centered resources—through events and local communities—to learn about who God is and how to disciple other women.

For 2022, the IF:Gathering prioritized its revenue/expenses in the following three areas:

  • 81% of program expense revenue spent on its two-day gathering in Dallas attended by thousands of women and broadcast around the world. Its theme centered on one question: “If God is real…then what?”
  • 12% of program expense revenue spent on equipping and teaching women through discussion groups.
  • 7% of program expense revenue spent towards online connections with resources and sharing comments and feelings about daily passages posted online.

The IF:Gathering estimates it has reached more than one million women in 179 countries. The aim of the IF:Gathering is to inspire discipleship amongst women and lay a foundation centered on the Bible so those women may in turn disciple other women.

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MinistryWatch Donor Confidence Score: 94 (out of a possible 100) “Give with Confidence”

MinistryWatch Financial Efficiency Rating:  3 Stars (out of a possible 5 Stars)

MinistryWatch Transparency Grade:  A

ECFA Member?  Yes

Revenue in Most Recent Year Available (2022):  $4,210,258

Five-Year Revenue Trend:   Increasing (by about 67%)

Percent of Revenue the IF:Gathering Spends on Fundraising:  6%

Percent Peer Group Spends on Fundraising:  5%

CEO/President:  Brooke Mazzariello

President’s Salary and Other Compensation:  $107,161

A complete MinistryWatch profile for IF:Gathering can be found here.

Find recent MinistryWatch articles mentioning the IF:Gathering  here.