MINISTRY SPOTLIGHT: Christian Encounter Ministries


Summary:  Christian Encounter Ministries (CEM) began in 1970 as a church with a residential youth program.  It is a small fellowship consisting of its students, interns, staff and some members of its community.  The residential youth program (ranch) has a teacher to student ratio of about 3 to 1.  CEM creates healthy rhythms of work, chores, rest and recreation.  Students meet at least once a week with a counselor and regular training in soft vocational skills and to instill strong work eithic.  CEM graduates receive a California state high school diploma.  The “ranch” addresses issues of relationship breakdowns, behavioral and emotional problems, addictions and self-destructive habits, academic struggles and social maladjustment.  Christian Encounter Ministries’ aim is to facilitate youth to overcome cycles of brokenness.

MinistryWatch Financial Efficiency Rating: 1 Star (out of a possible 5 Stars)

MinistryWatch Transparency Grade: C

ECFA Member? Yes

Revenue in Most Recent Year Available (2020): $867,162

Five-Year Revenue Trend: Flat  (less than 1 percent change)

Percent of Revenue Christian Encounter Ministries Spends on Fundraising: 14 percent

Percent Peer Group Spends on Fundraising: 5 percent

Executive Director:  Nate Boyd 

President’s Salary and Other Compensation: CEM is designated as a church, and as such it is not required to disclose compensation data.

Complete MinistryWatch profile for Christian Encounter Ministries can be found here.

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