MINISTRY SPOTLIGHT: Life Issues Institute


Summary:  Life Issues Institute (LII) began in 1991 to promote through education, that all living humans should have equal protection for all living humans from the beginning of their biological life at fertilization until natural death.  LII’s education efforts include multiple websites, weekly television program titled “Facing Life Head-On,” email news, social networks, and radio broadcast, “Life Issues.”  Life Issues Institute’s aim is to promote and provide effective educational tools for the pro-life movement to encourage a culture that values human life, both young and old, born and unborn.

MinistryWatch Financial Efficiency Rating:  1 Star (out of a possible 5 Stars)

MinistryWatch Transparency Grade:  D

ECFA Member?  No

Revenue in Most Recent Year Available (2019):  $595,883

Five-Year Revenue Trend:  Decreasing  (more than 31 percent change)

Percent of Revenue Life Issues Institute Spends on Fundraising:  11 percent 

Percent Peer Group Spends on Fundraising:  7 percent

President:  Brad Mattes

President’s Salary and Other Compensation:  $119,003

Complete MinistryWatch profile for Life Issues Institute can be found here.

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