MINISTRY SPOTLIGHT: Alliance Defending Freedom



The Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) began in 1993, with the purpose of serving as an alliance-building legal organization that advocates for the right of people to freely live out their faith.  ADF advocates specifically for:

  • The right of all people to freely live out their faith.
  • The sanctity of human life from conception until natural death.
  • The freedom of speech for all.
  • The sanctity of marriage and the truth that God has created us male and female.
  • The fundamental right of parents to direct the upbringing, care, and education for their children.

The Alliance Defending Freedom aims to accomplish this by advocating in courtrooms and the public square, training lawyers, funding allies and critical cases.

MinistryWatch Financial Efficiency Rating:  1 Star (out of a possible 5 Stars)

MinistryWatch Transparency Grade:  A

ECFA Member?  Yes

Revenue in Most Recent Year Available (2019):  $62,288,221

Five-Year Revenue Trend:  Flat  (less than 3 percent change)

Percent of Revenue The Alliance Defending Freedom Spends on Fundraising:  13 percent 

Percent Peer Group Spends on Fundraising:  7 percent

President: Michael Farris 

President’s Salary and Other Compensation:  $458,820

Complete MinistryWatch profile for The Alliance Defending Freedom  can be found here.

Find recent MinistryWatch articles mentioning The Alliance Defending Freedom here.

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