Ep. 63: A Tribute to the Anti-Celebrity Preacher


On today’s program, a new development with Ravi Zacharias International Ministries, Christian Finance Guru Dave Ramsey is throwing a big staff Christmas party that is drawing national attention, and in this age of celebrity flame-outs, we highlight the lives of two men who served God and their neighbors quietly and faithfully for decades.  We begin today with an investigation of possible abuses of the Payroll Protection Program.

The producers for today’s program are Rich Roszel and Steve Gandy. We get database and other technical support from Cathy Goddard, Stephen DuBarry, and Casey Sudduth.  Writers who contributed to today’s program include Anne Stych, Steve Rabey, Adelle M. Banks, Warren Smith, Christina Darnell, Emily Miller, Bob Smietana, Alejandra Molina, and Roxanne Stone.

Thanks to our friends at The NonProfit Times and Religion Unplugged for contributing material to this week’s program.

Until next time, may God bless you.