Ep. 281: Josh Duggar, United Methodists, Anglicans, and More SBC Troubles


On today’s program, a judge has upheld Josh Duggar’s conviction on child pornography charges, and a prominent Austin church that had been started by the Anglican Church of North America has decided it’s too liberal for that denomination, and has decided to affiliate with the Episcopal Church. Plus, a couple of new studies indicate that giving to Christian ministries could be down in the coming year.

We begin today with news that a former trustee of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary is calling for a forensic audit of the school.

The producers for today’s program are Rich Roszel and Jeff McIntosh.  We get database and other technical support from Stephen DuBarry, Rod Pitzer, and Casey Sudduth. Writers who contributed to today’s program include Paul Clolery, Bob Smietana, BeLynn Hollers, Daniel Ritchie, Kim Roberts, Christina Darnell—and you, Warren.

A special thanks to The NonProfit Times for contributing material for this week’s podcast.

Until next time, may God bless you.