Ep. 277: Operation Underground Railroad, Wycliffe Associates, Texas Baptists Affirm Women in Leadership Roles


On today’s program, Tim Ballard—hero of the hit movie ‘Sound of Freedom’—has been removed from two nonprofits, one of which is Operation Underground Railroad. We’ll have details. Also, the Bible translation organization Wycliffe Associates is asking for big donations, but giving few details on how they plan to use the money. And, tips for donors wanting to give to anti-trafficking ministries.

We begin today with news from Texas, as the debate over women pastors has now moved to the state level. Delegates to the Baptist General Convention of Texas adopted a statement last week urging its staff to affirm women in “ministerial and leadership roles.”


Just a reminder that MinistryWatch is a donor supported organization, and if you make a gift during the month of July, you’ll receive a copy of my book Faith-Based Fraud: Learning From The Great Religious Scandals of our Time as our thank-you gift. Just go to MinistryWatch and hit the DONATE button at the top of the page.

We’ve got just a couple of days left in the month, and we’re a few thousand dollars short of our goal, so if you’ve been thinking about a gift, now would be a great time.

The producers for today’s program are Rich Roszel and Jeff McIntosh.  We get database and other technical support from Stephen DuBarry, Rod Pitzer, and Casey Sudduth. Writers who contributed to today’s program include Kim Roberts, Jessica Eturralde, Adelle Banks, Steve Rabey, Christina Darnell, Rod Pitzer—and you, Warren.

Until next time, may God bless you.