Ep. 24: Former Wheaton Chaplain Answers Charges And Silicon Valley Is Not All Greed


On today’s program, the Paycheck Protection Protection Program was designed to save jobs at organizations that didn’t have the money to pay its staff.  But some churches and Christian ministries that are flush with cash took the money.  We’ll take a closer look.  Also on today’s program, the Wheaton College chaplain that was fired last week is this week answering the charges against him.  And today’s Generous Living story is about a Silicon Valley couple that is giving away one of that world’s most coveted prizes:  equity in the companies they are helping to build.

SPECIAL NOTE:  MinistryWatch thanks everyone who contributed to MinistryWatch during our fiscal year-end giving campaign.  We met our year-end goal and we’ve also already met our July giving goal, even though we’re barely at the mid-point of the month.  So if you’re one of those who have given to MinistryWatch over the past month, thanks.  If you would like to know how to join the team, just go to MinistryWatch.com and hit the donate tab at the top of the page.

Each week, MinistryWatch President Warren Smith and Natasha Smith (no relation!) bring you news about Christian ministries, as well as the latest in charity and philanthropy, all designed to help us become better stewards of the resources God has entrusted to us.

The producers for today’s program are Rich Roszel and Steve Gandy.   We get database and other technical support from Cathy Goddard, Stephen DuBarry, and Casey Sudduth.  Writers who contributed to today’s program include Christina Darnell, Emily McFarlan Miller, Steve Rabey, Julie Roys, and Warren Smith.  Thanks to our friends at Religion News Service for contributing material to this week’s program.