Ep. 180: Hillsong


On today’s program, more news regarding the Hillsong controversies, which just keep growing.  Virginia’s Governor Glenn Youngkin signs a bill into law that protects donor privacy.  We begin today with another Southern Baptist leader throwing his hat in the ring to be president of that denomination.

I hope you will forgive us a bit of shameless self-promotion, but I wanted you to know that I was on the syndicated radio program Issues, Etc. this week to discuss the Hillsong scandal.  You can listen here:


Also, my former employer the Colson Center for Christian Worldview asked me to discuss what it means to have a “Godly Response To Evangelical Sex Abuse Scandals.”  I had a great conversation with my friend and former colleague Shane Morris.  Here’s a link to that program:


And a quick reminder. There’s a new way to give to MinistryWatch.  You can now give via text.  I’ve got to admit that this is not my preferred way of giving, but I’m kind of old school.  If this is your preferred way of giving, just text @ministrywatch to 52014.  Again, that’s @ministrywatch to 52014.  I tried it myself, and it was pretty easy. So if I can do it, anyone can.

Also, if you have a story you’d like us to cover, or a ministry that you think needs a closer look, please email us.  Our email is info@ministrywatch.com.  That will come directly to my desk, and we’ll take it from there.

Lastly, a reminder that you can help the program by leaving us a rating on your podcast app.  The  more ratings we get, the easier it is for others to find us.  It’s a quick, easy, and free way you can support MinistryWatch.

The producers for today’s program are Rich Roszel and Jeff McIntosh.  We get database and other technical support from Cathy Goddard, Stephen DuBarry, Emily Kern, Rod Pitzer, and Casey Sudduth.  Writers who contributed to today’s program include Anne Stych, Roxanne Stone, Bob Smietana, Shannon Cuthrell, Adelle M. Banks, Kim Roberts, and Christina Darnell.

Until next time, may God bless you.