Ep. 169: Putin and Evangelicals, Ravi Zacharias, and the SBC


On today’s program, Vladimir Putin and Russia are now invading Ukraine.  That action has caused us to take a second look at the cozy relationship many Christian leaders have had with Putin over the years.  And the Southern Baptist Convention’s Executive Committee is meeting this week, and it’s making news.  We’ll bring an update.  We begin today with details of a newly released report on Ravi Zacharias International Ministries.

The producers for today’s program are Rich Roszel and Ben Warwick We get database and other technical support from Cathy Goddard, Stephen DuBarry, and Casey Sudduth.  Writers who contributed to today’s program include Diana Kruzman, Audrey Jackson, Steve Rabey, Anne Stych, Kathryn Post, Bob Smietana, and Christina Darnell.

Special thanks to The Christian Chronicle and The NonProfit Times for contributing material for this week’s podcast.

Until next time, may God bless you.